Body isn't all me.
Two patterns in PIF (personalized item frequency): \(user_i'\ s \ record \ \ \{ v_1, v_2, ..., v_i, ..., v_t\} \\\ where \ v_i = [0,1,1,1,1,0....]^T \\ aiming \ to \ predict \ v_{t+1}\)
item frequency - repeated purchase pattern
- next basket contains user’s historical records
- has been used, get considerable performance gain
similar user - colllaborative purchase pattern
use vector to represent each user, top 300 nearest neighbors
\(PIF_{vector} = \sum_{i=1}^{t}{v_i}\)
caculate 4 ratios
- captured by repeated: 0.1 - 0.6
- Captured by collaborative - most, 0.5 - 0.98
- captured by both: 0.1 - 0.6 around but smaller than repeated since intersection
- Not captured by both: 0.01-0.4, most 0.1: 1- union of repeated and collaborative
RNNs has difficulty to learn vector addition
$ python ./data/TaFang_history_NB.csv ./data/TaFang_future_NB.csv 300 0.9 0.7 0.7 7 10
start dictionary generation...
# dimensions of final vector: 11997 | 0
finish dictionary generation*****
Number of training instances: 10000
Num. of top: 10
recall: 0.12933969065750625
NDCG: 0.09859257577070348
Existing methods:
- Markov chain: cannot capture high-order information from long time ago
- KNN can capture unseen pattern but it is only a small part in the target baske
- item embedding
- model temperal relation across all the baskets - user representation
item with same frequency cannot be discriminated
gap distibution - decay weight: early item appears, smaller weight to the final frequency
Sum up; hierarchical time decayed weights
Steps \(\{ v_1, v_2, ..., v_i, ..., v_t\}, \ where \ v_i = [0,1,1,1,1,0....]^T\)
partition historical 20 baskets into 5 groups \(Group_j = [v_1, v_2, ..., v_{x = \frac{t}{m}} ]\)
Within group: each vector j in each group multiply a time-decayed weight r_b^{x-j} \(v_{group} = v_1 \times r_b^{x-1} + v_2 \times r_b^{x-2} + ... + v_{x} \times r_b^0\)
Cross group: each group vector multiply a weight \(v_{user} = v_{g_1} \times r_g^{m-1} + v_{g_2} \times r_g^{x-2} + ... + v_{g_x} \times r_g^0\)
Now get the user representation and use for similarity calculation - Euclidean distance or other
Final predict, hyperparameter \alpha \(P = \alpha \times v_{user} + (1-\alpha) \times u_{nearest\ neighber}\)